The 2020 scholarship deadline has passed. 2021 graduates - check back for application availability.


Citizens Bank Minnesota Scholarship Online Video Courses

To be eligible for the Citizens Bank Minnesota scholarships, you must watch our two Scholarship videos on Budgeting & Saving, and Understanding Credit Decisions, then complete and submit the questions that correspond with each video. 
We would like all students to register for the video courses - you can do so by filling out the form below and clicking submit!

Scholarship Video Course Registration:

What is the best way to keep in touch? *

Thank you for registering!

Thank you for registering! The online courses are listed below:

*Scholarship Video Links: 


*Scholarship Video Questions (must watch videos before completing & submitting questions): 



Students must:
  1. Watch the two Scholarship video courses on Budgeting & Saving and Understanding Credit Decisions 
  2. Complete and submit the questions for EACH video
  3. Have an active checking account with Citizens Bank Minnesota. 
  4. If you meet all requirements, you will receive your Scholarship Application! 2021 graduates - check back for application availability.
  5. Fill out your scholarship form completely and mail to Scholarship America. 


Contact Lori Dummer @ 507-354-3165.